Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Offline Address Book download error 0x80190197 Operation failed

Situation: Exchange 2007 SP1 + Outlook 2007. Offline Address book in public folders and on HTTP distribution point.

I recently noticed that my machine and others were no longer downloading the OAB. Outlook of course didn't notify me, we just noticed it because some new accounts were not showing up. When I did a manual download of the OAB, I get the pretty meaningless Error 0x80190197 The Operation Failed

The Exchange server itself looked fine, the OAB was being generated and replicated, no errors.

I did a quick network trace to check what Outlook is doing while downloading the OAB, and to my surprise I saw no traffic to the actual Exchange server hosting the OAB. I did notice much traffic to my proxy server however, which was suspicious since I was not doing anything but getting the OAB at this point.

I then checked my proxy settings in IE, and sure enough, the "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" was not configured properly. I added some internal IPs, addreses and the Exchange server, and I was able to download the OAB again.


Jose Angel Rivera said...

Nice. I also got this error but in my case it was because Exchange was requiring SSL for the OAB Site that was created on IIS. I just unchecked the "Require SSL" checkbox on the site and restarted IIS. Everything was fine after that!

You can confirm if this is the case by going to the URL that Exchange create for the OAB. Go to Exchange Management Console to see what is your URL.

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS! It not only fixed the GAL issue but the Out of Office message could not we applied successfully instead of the user having to resort to OWA. She is using Office 2010 btw with Outlook Anywhere disabled. I added the external address of the Exchange Server to the proxy bypass settings and it worked. Go figure!